Rabu, 27 Juni 2018


Banyak orang yang memuja..
Duduk bersama dengan manja..
Di pantai Parangtritis kita menunggu senja..
Manisnya kenangan semasa remaja..
Duduk bersama dalam senda gurau dialun-alun kota Jogja..
Sekilas melihat tukang delman dan becak bekerja..
Hangatnya kenangan akan Jogja..
Kota istimewa yang dikelilingi dengan orang-orang yang bersahaja
Tak luput dari keramah-tamahan para penjaja..
Istimewanya kenangan akan Jogja..
Kenangan yang terpatri kuat sekuat baja..
Sulit untuk ku lupakan, mungkin hingga usia senja..


Exercise 37

  1. That was produced by this company
  2. That require a minimum balance
  3. You spoke to whose yesterday
  4. Whom grades are the highest in the school
  5. Whom
  6. Whom
  7. Whose
  8. Whom
  9. That
  10. I found that last week
  11. Whom team has has lost the game
  12. That
  13. Whose graduated from Harvard University
  14. That
  15. Whom brother is a lawyer
Exercise 38
  1. George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention
  2. All of the money accepted has already been released
  3. The papers on the table belong to Patricia
  4. The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime
  5. The girl drinking coffee is Mery Allen
  6. John's wife, a professor, has written several papers on this subject
  7. The man talking to the policeman is my uncle
  8. The book on the top shelf is the one that i need
  9. The number of students counted is quite high.
  10. Leo Evans, a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day
Exercise 39
  1. The teacher demanded that student  leave the room
  2. It was urgent that her call her immediately
  3. It was very important that we delay discussion
  4. She intends to move that the committee suspend discussion on this issue
  5. The king decreed that the new laws take effect the following month
  6. I propose that you should stop this rally
  7. I advise that you take the prerequisites before registering for this course
  8. His father prefers that he attend a different university
  9. The faculty stipulated that the rule be abolished
  10. she urged that we find another alternative
Exercise 40
  1. Not only
  2. As well as
  3. Both
  4. But also
  5. As well as
  6. Not only
  7. And
  8. But also
  9. As well as
  10. As well as orchids
Exercise 41
  1. Know how
  2. Know how
  3. Know
  4. Know
  5. Know how
  6. Know
  7. Know how
  8. Know
  9. Know how
  10. Know how
Exercise 42
  1. Although
  2. In spite of
  3. Although
  4. Despite
  5. Even though
  6. In spite of
  7. Though
  8. Even though
  9. Even though
  10. In spite of
Exercise  43
  1. Lays
  2. Sit
  3. Lay
  4. Raised
  5. Raise
  6. Lay
  7. Laying
  8. Raised
  9. Rises
  10. Set

Kamis, 10 Mei 2018


Kasih sayangnya luas dan tak terbatas,
ialah Nestapa..
Kesetiaanya selalu mendampingimu..
Hadir dihari kamu yang paling cerah dan malam kamu yang paling kelam,
ialah Rembulan..
Namun waktu yang dimiliki mereka tak banyak..
Tak lama..
Secepat daun yang gugur..
Hilang dan ditelan bumi..
Secepat itulah kamu akan kehilangan Nestapa dan Rembulan mu..
Engkau tak menyadarinya sebab engkau sibuk menghindarinya..
Mengapa engkau begitu acuh?
Bila mereka telah tiada dan ditelan bumi
Barulah engkau menyadarinya..
Dahulu engkau telah bear-benar mengacuhkannya..



1. The President is called by somebody every day
2. The other members are being called by John
3. The document were being delivered by Martha
4. The amendement have been repealed by the other members.
5. The information had been received before the recess by the delegates
6. The supplies should be brought for this class by the teacher
7. Mr. Waston will be called tonight by the somebody.
8. Considerable damage has been caused by the fire.
9. A new procedure were being developed before the bankcruptcy hearing begin by the company.
10. The papers will have been received tomorrow by John.


1. Leave
2. Repaired
3. To type
4. Call
5. Painted
6. To write
7. Lie
8. Sent
9. Cuts
10. Sign
11. Leave
12. To wash
13. Fixed
14. Published
15. Find

Rabu, 25 April 2018


kita adalah jiwa yang tersesat..
Hingga datang cahaya menerangi gelap yang pekat..
Ke cahaya itulah kita melesat..
meninggalkan yang sesat..
Beruntunglah mereka yang cepat,
cepat menyadari dirinya yang t'lah tersesat..

Jika kita berani meninggalkan yang sesat,
Maka tentu kita akan mendapat nikmat..
Nikmat tak tertandingi di akhirat..
Janganlah kita luput walau sesaat..
sungguh datangnya akhirat itu sangat cepat..
maka marilah bertobat..

Sungguh Al-Quran adalah obat,
Obat bagi jiwa yang tersesat..

Selasa, 24 April 2018



  1. Twelve-story
  2. Language
  3. Three-act
  4. Two-day
  5. 79 piece
  6. Five-shelf
  7. 16 ounce
  8. Six-quart
  9. Brick
  10. Ten-speed

  1. Enough people
  2. French enough
  3. Enough time
  4. Fast enough
  5. Soon enough
  6. Early enough
  7. Hard enough
  8. Slowly enough
  9. Enough flour
  10. Enough book
  1. Because
  2. Because
  3. Because of
  4. Because
  5. Because of
  6. Because of
  7. Because of
  8. Because of
  9. Because
  10. Because of
  1. So
  2. Such
  3. So
  4. Such
  5. So
  6. So
  7. Such
  8. So
  9. Such
  10. Such
  11. So
  12. So
  13. Such
  14. So
  15. So

Minggu, 08 April 2018


Entah apa yang kita alami,
di hari yang lalu..
di hari ini..
di hari yang akan datang..
Sang waktu tak akan berhenti..
Ia akan tetap terus berjalan dengan angkuhnya

Entah itu adalah saat kau berbahagia,
ataupun saat kau bersedih..
Sang waktu tak akan berhenti dan menunggu walaupun hanya sedetik..
Ia akan tetap terus berjalan,
bagai orang yang dingin hatinya,
ia tak pernah peduli dengan apa yang sedang terjadi disekitarnya

Hidup dengan sang waktu seperti saling mengejar,
terkadang kita dikejar sang waktu,
dan terkadang kita mengejar sang waktu..
Maka beruntunglah mereka yang dapat berjalan beriringan dengan sang waktu..
Mereka itulah orang-orang yang menghargai SANG WAKTU.